5 Quotes & Sayings By Katherine Graham

Katherine Graham was born Katherine Hays on June 4, 1918. She married her first husband at the age of 18, but divorced him after two years. She then dated Howard Hughes for five years, before marrying him in 1940. Her life changed completely when she became the first female editor-in-chief of a major U.S Read more

news publication, The Washington Post. She became an involved force in the American Civil Rights Movement, and was appointed chairwoman of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights by President Johnson. She was also a leader in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

She was the first woman to chair the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, where she served until 1985. The Graham Foundation's mission is to support research into treatments that help mentally ill children and adults, as well as parents who are struggling with their own mental health issues.

Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex. Katherine Graham
A mistake is simply another way of doing things. Katherine Graham
Once power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact power has no sex. Katherine Graham
To love what you do and feel that it matters-how could anything be more fun? Katherine Graham